
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Spocklight At the Movies 9: Volunteers
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Spocklight at the Movies is on the run from our gambling debts and joining Tom Hanks, John Candy and Rita Wilson on a Peace Corps flight to Thailand, it’s Nicholas Meyer's 1985 comedy 'Volunteers'!
Liam reveals his somewhat recent appreciation for the late, great John Candy, discusses the history of THAT Coca Cola product placement and breaks down the problematic, white saviour tropes of the movie.
Paul talks up the shared comic sensibilities between the film and our own shorts from the mid 2000s (the 'Groovedoctor' oeuvre), chats the difficulties of nailing the landing in high concept comedies and ponders the potential of a contemporary remake.
While Matt talks Hank's character's inherent unlikeability and it's connections to the initial iteration of Woody in Toy Story, suffers from tonal whiplash as the film jumps for 4th wall breaking gags to sudden heads on pikes, and comes to the realisation that it’s close to being a slapstick version of Rambo.
Volunteer to mine the depths of this forgotten oddity with us by downloading now!
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Monday Sep 30, 2019
Supplemental 17: Robert Sallin returns
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
In a very special episode, Robert Sallin, the Producer of ‘Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan’ returns to the podcast to share more of the untold inside story of producing the most celebrated and iconic Star Trek film ever made.
Bob also tells us about the difficulties directing his first feature film, 1969’s ‘The Picasso Summer’ starring Albert Finney and Yvette Mimieux and achieving the incredible feat of helming over 2,000 commercials featuring such stars as Tom Selleck, Jack Lemmon, Joan Rivers, James Mason and Larry Hagman. We’re also lucky enough to be joined by his Wife, Sandra Sallin, who chimes in with the amazing story of attending the after party to a private screening of ‘E.T.’ with Steven Speilberg and George Lucas.
If you haven’t heard it, we strongly recommended listening to our first episode with Bob, Supplemental 4: Interview with Robert Sallin, published on September 21st 2017 still available on our feed as well for even more great in-depth anecdotes from the man himself.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can check out Sandra’s blog at apartfrommyart.com and find her on Instagram @sandrasallin
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Monday Sep 02, 2019
Spocklight At the Movies 8: The Dark Tower
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
The Man in Black fled across the desert, and The Gunslinger followed... and behind him came Liam and Matt to debate the 2017 cinematic interpretation of Stephen King’s magnum opus, The Dark Tower, adapted for the screen by ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Writer, Director and Executive Producer, Akiva Goldsman.
Liam compares the film to ‘Last Action Hero’, hates on Jake's deadbeat parents and realises that we still haven't cracked the art of CGI flame hands, while Matt tells the tale of his not-so-epic quest to track down all the books in the series, breaks down the three cardinal sins of shitty exposition and struggles to synopsise this complex, genre-hybrid on a brain-meltingly hot day.
We also discuss the new TV reboot of the franchise and other King Properties and lament the lost Dark Tower adaptation from the team behind... LOST!
All hail the Crimson King, don't forget the face of your father and join us for our 3-year anniversary as we journey into Mid-World and beyond.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Supplemental 16: Interview with Michele Specht
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Join us for an incredibly fun chat as we let loose and crank it up to 11 with the amazingly energetic, Michele Specht, best known as Dr. McKennah in ‘Star Trek Continues’ and one of the many voices of the ‘Star Trek Online’ game.
Hear which Trek series was her gateway into the fandom and why she thinks Trek's focus on ethical, moral and spiritual storytelling really sets it apart. Discover the pressures she felt in doing the franchise justice, dealing with overwhelming fan (and original cast) reactions and finding the right level of theatricality when matching the aesthetic of the original series.
We go pretty deep on this one, learning how unhealthy motivations, audition horror stories and the need to find her centred self all brought Michele to the brink of quitting acting altogether.
Plus - insights into the world of voice recording for Star Trek Online & numerous anime shows, as well as the reveal of what Michele’s dream Star Trek: Discovery role would be.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can find Michele @michelespecht on Facebook and Instagram
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Episode 29: The Animated Series Revisited (w/ Eliot J Fallows)
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
We're BACK with another Trek TV Revisited episode. This time we endure our return to Star Trek: The Animated Series, with special guest, Eliot J Fallows, of Chortle Awards nominated Podcast, ‘Heal Your Wounds’ and the fantastic ‘Sean & Eliot Read the Bible’, joining us to dissect the episodes:
1.02 Yesteryear
1.04 The Lorelei Signal
1.12 The Time Trap
Liam applauds the series (occasionally) using animation to it's advantage by adding more imaginative, gonzo characters, but blasts the emotionless line delivery of the majority of the main cast.
Paul can't believe the audacity of including a 45 second sequence of Scotty singing, laughs at director Hal Sutherland's overly flashy signature credit and generally thinks the show has all the animated prowess of a pop-up book.
Matt manages to appreciate some profound moments and wonders why this wasn't just a radio series thanks to the lack of actual 'animation' in this 'animated' show, while Eliot struggles to comprehend some (admittedly flawed) time travel logic, gets distracted by a jarringly overused piece of score and blames the character’s “shifty eyes” on why he thinks everyone is a secret villain.
All this and even a strange tangent about Pinocchio of all things will materialise into your podcast feeds if you just download now!
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can find Eliot @eliotjfallows on Twitter and more information regarding his 'Sean and Eliot Read the Bible' Podcast @BiblePod
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Supplemental 15: Interview with Shazad Latif
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
In this special episode we’re joined by Shazad Latif, best known to Trekkies as Ash Tyler in ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ and to many others as Clem Fandango in ‘Toast of London’.
Hear the origins of Shazad’s dual role on Discovery, how he navigated one of the most challenging storylines in Trek history, what it meant to him being a half-Asian romantic lead in such a brilliantly diverse cast and how life has changed thanks to being part of the worldwide phenomenon that is Trek.
We also talk about what it was like to become a pop culture icon as Clem Fandango in Matt Berry and Arthur Matthews’ wonderful sitcom, ‘Toast of London’, getting to play Jekyll but not Hyde in ‘Penny Dreadful’, landing a regular role in ‘Spooks’ straight out of drama school and even the moral complexity of his role in ‘Ordinary Lies’.
Looking to the future, Shazad gives us the scoop on the forthcoming ‘The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance’ and ‘Departure’ while we speculate on Discovery Season 3 and Michelle Yeoh fronted Spin-off, ‘Section 31’.
All this and much, much more awaits you.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can find Shazad @shazad on Twitter and Instagram
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Spocklight At the Movies 7: X-Men (w/ Daryl & Jeanette from Sudden Double Deep)
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
In a giant-size special for our 50th episode, Liam and Matt are joined by Daryl and Jeanette of the ‘Sudden Double Deep’ Podcast to dissect the first X-Men movie from the year 2000 starring Patrick Stewart, just in time for the release of the latest chapter in the franchise, ‘X-Men: Dark Phoenix’.
We examine the dawn of today’s Superhero movie phenomenon in detail, unpick the Bryan Singer controversy, discuss the differences between blockbuster movies past and present while looking forward to the possible future of the X-Men movie franchise. All that and the unfortunate story of a Jimmy Savile tattoo!
Magneto’s right; there is a war coming, make sure you’re on the right side by downloading this episode now!
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can find more information about Daryl and Jeanette's brilliant Film podcast, Sudden Double Deep @SDDFilmPodcast on Twitter.
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Sunday May 12, 2019
Sunday May 12, 2019
Liam and Matt are joined by James Dyer of the Pilot TV Podcast and Empire Magazine as we dive right into Discovery Season 2 and try and have a little fun along the way in one epic Spoiler Special.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can find James @jamescdyer on Twitter and the Pilot TV Podcast on Apple Podcasts or wherever you catch your pods.
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Episode 27: The Original Series Revisited (w/ Jen Ives)
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
We begin a revisitation of Trek TV by introducing The Original Series to special guest, Stand-Up Comedian, Jen Ives, by handpicking three episodes for her to watch.
Liam presents his case for why 'The Corbomite Maneuver' truly sums up the mission statement of Star Trek, Paul enjoys the campy sets (and definitely the dresses) of 'Who Mourns for Adonais' and Matt loves the complex motivations fuelling Spock's actions in 'Journey to Babel'. While Jen is creeped out by McCoy, enjoys seeing the Spock family dynamic (especially thicc Sarek) and absolutely cannot handle these long running times.
Make it a VERY Good Friday and join Spocklight and co back in the kitschy 60s heyday of sci-fi television, what better way is there to celebrate Easter?!
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can find Jen @jenivescomedy on Twitter and her Musical Chairs Podcast @chairspod
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Spocklight At The Movies 6: Showtime (w/ Boyd Hilton)
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
It’s...SHOWTIME! We’re joined by Boyd Hilton of the Pilot TV Podcast and Heat Magazine to dissect the much maligned Robert De Niro/Eddie Murphy buddy cop satire as we ask the big questions: Why wasn’t William Shatner promoted from fleeting cameo to full co-star status? How did this film cost $85 million? And most importantly, was Deniro still sexy in 2002?!
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can find Boyd @boydhilton on Twitter and the Pilot TV Podcast on Apple Podcasts or wherever you catch your pods.
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com