
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Episode 24: Spoofs of Trek
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Liam, Paul and Matt warp their way through the colourful history of Star Trek spoofs and homages: Galaxy Quest, USS Callister, The Orville and much more are explored as our expectations are thoroughly subverted - Toxic masculinity, the redemption of Seth Macfarlane, Tim Allen’s surprising acting inspiration, humans becoming the villains of their own stories…By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Worvan, you... should download this episode right now!
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Supplemental 12: Interview with Conrad Coates
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
In a special episode, Liam, Matt and Paul are joined by Actor, Conrad Coates, as he gives us the lowdown on his roles as Admiral Terral on ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ and as Darius Johnson in Robert Zemeckis’s forthcoming film, ‘Welcome to Marwen’.
We also chat Conrad’s appearances in ‘Tron:Legacy’, ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’, Syfy’s ‘Defiance’ and even playing Drake’s Dad in ‘Degrassi: The Next Generation’, as well as his Theatre work and running his own acting school, ‘Coates and Company’. Download now for all this and much more.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can follow Conrad on Twitter and Instagram @conradcoates
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Episode 23: Discovery Season One Retrospective Part 2 (w/ Sean McLoughlin)
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Liam, Matt, Paul and special guest, Chortle Award nominated Stand Up Comedian, Sean McLoughlin, attempt to find their way out of the mirror universe in Part Two of our epic two part look back over the first season of ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ as we analyse the back six episodes of the series.
Liam reads a ridiculous fanboy rant that complains about everything from “feminist lunacy” to “feminist Idiocy” for ruining the show, Paul reckons Qo'noS looks more like Camden Market then the Klingon homeworld, Matt ponders the thought process behind naming a torture device an 'Agonizor' while Sean falls a little bit in love with Admiral Cornwell. Multiple sword fights, shocking twists, Jason Isaacs owning twitter trolls, and much more as we find out whether the USS Discovery sticks its landing.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can get all the latest news on Sean McLoughlin’s gig schedule at his official website: http://seanmcloughlincomedy.com
Sean also has his own Podcast, Heal your Wounds, which can be found on Itunes and @woundspod on Twitter.
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Supplemental 11: Interview with Ronnie Rowe Jr.
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
In a special episode, Liam, Matt and Paul are joined by Actor, Ronnie Rowe Jr. as he tells us how he ended up bagging himself a semi-regular role on ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ as the ship’s Comms Officer, Bryce, and gives a unique insight into the production of the show.
We also go in depth with Ronnie on his starring role in Cory Bowles searing political police movie, ‘Black Cop’ and the challenges of playing a ruthless Prosecutor on BET’s hit legal drama, ‘In Contempt’. Download now for all this and much more.
Spoilers for Season 1 of 'Star trek: Discovery' are contained within, you have been warned.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share, subscribe, review and all that good stuff.
You can follow Ronnie on Twitter and Instagram @ronnierowejr
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Episode 22: Discovery Season One Retrospective Part 1 (w/ Sean McLoughlin)
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Chortle Award nominated Stand Up Comedian, Sean McLoughlin, returns to Spocklight to help Liam, Matt and Paul break down the first season of ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ episode by episode.
In Part One of an epic two parter, we binge on the opening 9 instalments of Discovery as we retrace our steps to ‘The Vulcan Hello’ and ‘Battle at the Binary Stars’ to see if our opinion on them has changed at all since our initial reactions last year before deep diving into the rest of the first half of the season.
Listen as Liam points out the attention to detail given to a late season twist right from the start and celebrates finally seeing the franchise treat a mature, same sex relationship with respect rather than just throwaway lip service. Meanwhile, Paul is glad to see the back of the Shenzhou early on but is upset at Sarek being shoehorned in as Michael's adoptive father. Matt thinks Lorca would batter Picard in a showdown (but really, who wouldn’t?!) and touches on the current climate of fan culture, Reddit-theorizing and Sean points out how much the new spore drive undermines the other Trek TV shows (hello Voyager!) and professes his love for his favourite episode of Disco so far but which one will it be?
Hear our various Lorca theories (where is Prime Lorca? Who HASN'T he been shagging?) and a metric fuckton of spoilers (you have been warned!) as we discover, after all the production problems, whether this new voyage for the Trek universe is any good after all.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can get all the latest news on Sean McLoughlin’s gig schedule at his official website: http://seanmcloughlincomedy.com
Sean also has his own Podcast, Heal your Wounds, which can be found on Itunes and @woundspod on Twitter.
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Supplemental 10: Interview with James L. Conway
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
In a special episode, we present an in-depth interview with Director, James L. Conway, the man behind some of your favourite episodes of TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise!
We cover all sorts of ground with James: How his Trek credentials helped him out when recently directing an episode of ‘The Orville’, the death of water cooler TV in the age of binge culture, the surprising links between DS9 classic ‘Little Green Men’ and his earlier feature film ‘Hanger 18’, the amazing loyalty and generosity of George Clooney, the submarine movies that influenced his big budget ‘Enterprise’ Pilot, juggling the egos as a Producer on cult hit, ‘Charmed’, directing a horror film that Stephen King himself called “a wildly energetic monster movie”, ‘Supernatural’, ‘Smallville’ and even…sex cults. Download now to hear the man with all the answers as James gifts us with his complex insights into directing Trek and much more.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can follow James on Twitter and Instagram @jameslconway
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Wednesday May 09, 2018
Episode 21: Enterprise (w/ Greg Lock)
Wednesday May 09, 2018
Wednesday May 09, 2018
We head into the cultural nexus that was 2001 and question whether or not this show was simply too ahead of its time... obviously excluding that theme tune. It's Star Trek: Enterprise!
This month we’re joined by returning podcast guest, Greg Lock, Director of upcoming Star Trek fan film, ‘Ambush’ to discuss series Pilot, ‘Broken Bow’ and Greg’s own mystery episode pick but what instalment of Enterprise will he choose to convince Liam, Matt and Paul that the show is worth exploring further? Just how morally grey does this iteration of Trek get? What Super Nintendo character did the Xindi remind Paul of? Why is Porthos the dog the true MVP of the show? The answers to all this will be revealed as we TRULY go back to the very beginning... You know, timeline wise.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can find all the latest news on ‘Ambush’ at https://www.facebook.com/startrekambush
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Episode 20: Voyager (w/ Sophie Morris)
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Flung through space to the other side of the galaxy, this crew are facing one hell of a bumpy road trip home. It's Star Trek: Voyager!
This month we’re joined by friend of the show, Sophie Morris, to discuss series Pilot, ‘Caretaker’ as well as Sophie’s own mystery guest pick but what episode will she choose to convince Liam, Matt and Paul that the show is worth exploring further? Do classic Sci-Fi shows reduce women to numbers? Does so-called “Bad Boy” Tom Paris have any real edge whatsoever? What cartoon masterpiece does Matt compare Voyager to? Is a logical rule obeying Vulcan really the best choice for an undercover spy? Is Janeway's hair falling out of place her version of the classic Kirk shirt rip? The answers to all this and more await you as the Spocklight crew find themselves 75 years away from home.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can follow Sophie @Cpt_Volvox on Twitter.
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Monday Mar 26, 2018
Supplemental 9: Interview with Roger Lay Jr.
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
In a special episode, Spocklight presents an in-depth interview with the man behind bringing Star Trek: The Next Generation’ and ‘Enterprise’ to Blu-Ray, Roger Lay Jr.
Hear how Roger went from Trek fan to Trek creator, pursuing a desire to bring back the ambitious, multi-part documentary format to home video resulting in 'The Genesis Effect: Engineering the Wrath of Khan', 'Star Trek: The Journey to the Silver Screen', 'The Roddenberry Vault' and many more.
We also talk his beginnings at USC and how interning on hit sitcom, ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ led to him producing his first documentary at 21 years of age chronicling Ray Romano’s return to the stand up circuit for HBO.
All that and how he got William Shatner himself to voice a talking plant in his latest project for Netflix, an adaptation of Bruce Coville’s classic childrens book, ‘Aliens Ate My Homework’ and his future hopes for 4K versions of the original Trek Movies and a DS9 Blu-Ray release.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can follow Roger on Twitter @RogerLayJr1980 and watch ‘Aliens Ate My Homework’ on Netflix US and Canada.
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com

Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Episode 19: Deep Space Nine (w/ Alice Farrant)
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
From starship to space station, Picard to Sisko - we discover what else is new as we unpack another fascinating chapter of the Star Trek franchise. It's Deep Space Nine!
This month we’re joined by passionate fan of DS9, Alice Farrant, to discuss series Pilot, ‘Emissary’ as well as Alice’s own mystery Guest pick but what episode will she choose to convince Liam, Matt and Paul that the show is worth exploring further? Is Avery Brooks as damn fine an Actor as Sir Patrick Stewart turned out to be? Who was Alice’s biggest Trek crush? Did ‘The Secret World of Alex Mack’ really exist or is it just a creation of Matt’s frenzied imagination? Was Odo friendzoned by Kira and do we even agree with the use of that problematic term? The answers to all this and more await you so (insert catchphrase here) and come with us as we discover if DS9 ever really did go anywhere after all.
As usual you can find SPOCKLIGHT on:
TWITTER - @spocklightpod
INSTAGRAM – @spocklightpod
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/spocklightpod/
EMAIL - spocklightpod@gmail.com
Please Follow, like, share and all that good stuff.
You can follow Alice @nomoreparades on Twitter.
Credit for our wonderful theme music goes to the incredibly talented, Adam Johnston’s, you can find more of his work at - https://adamjohnstonuk.bandcamp.com/
Our beautiful artwork was created by Stephen Trumble, see more at http://www.stephentrumble.com